Art project no. 1

Art project no. 1

The project is called paint-by-the-numbers.
Anyone can do this, all you need is huge amount of patience, concentration and dedication. I am trying to reduce my screen time so I resorted to painting but since  haven't drawn or painted in a while, I need to start off on something easy to get me going. Art is an expression, and although this doesn't necessarily express my creative skill being that the portrait is already drawn for me including colour patterns, I consider this an art for it require skill at doing, which is acquired through practice, lots of it actually! What I want to develop in doing this is the discipline and patience in starting something and actually finishing/concluding it with something visually observable. It's a good past time and even great starting point renewing your interest in arts.

This is the finished product. I plan to frame it and gift it to my boyfriend who loves dog. Perfect for his new house!

I could really say that it's a worthwhile project! I even started one with London theme on it to hang in my house back in the Philippines ^^

Still a work in progress... Couldn't find the time to finish but hopefully before my next holiday back to the Philippines