Sautéed bitter melon

Sautéed bitter melon

I'm going to share the secret to ginisang ampalaya (i.e., Sautéed bitter melon) such that it won't taste too bitter. First, do not overcook the melon. It's meant to be still a little crunchy even after cooking it. Second and most important, marinate it for 15 good minutes in water with salt and then drain the water out.

Filipino folklore has it that when you cook bitter melon at it turns out very bitter, then you're a nasty person. That's insane I know!

I find that the simplest recipe for bitter melon is just sautéing it. No fuss. Easy and quick to do. Very healthy too!

2 medium-sized bitter melon
2 eggs
2 medium-sized salad tomato - chopped
fish sauce (optional)
cooking oil
1 large onion - peeled and chopped
3 cloves of garlic - peeled and chopped
1/2 cup of water

1.  Cut the bitter melon in half lengthwise, remove the middle seeds and slice each half crosswise in thin pieces - see photo below
2. Beat the eggs in a bowl, add lil bit of salt and set aside
3. Heat the pan and add cooking oil. Sauté onion and garlic. Once the onion looks cooked (i.e., becomes a little transparent), add the tomatoes until cooked
4. Add the sliced bitter melon. Cook for 2 minutes. Do not mix a lot of times, just let it sear on the pan. Add water and salt or fish sauce to taste
5. Once it starts to boil, add the beaten eggs. Mix well until the eggs is cooked
6. Transfer to a bowl
7. Best served with steam white rice