30 Life Lessons I Have Learned by 30s

30 Life Lessons I Have Learned by 30s
  1. People have different love languages.
  2. Don't underestimate the power of habit.
  3. Above all else, relationship is the most important thing. Projects can fail, and plans may not work out; but life, it goes on, with the people in it. People will remember how you make them feel.
  4. The most important relationship you can have is the one with yourself.
  5. Gratitude changes perspective.
  6. Romantic relationship is a choice. Commitment is a choice.
  7. Dont burn bridges – never ever.
  8. Indifference is more powerful than hate. It’s the opposite of both love and hate.
  9. Keep your options open. Close doors are mostly created by mindset.
  10. Being extreme is not a good idea. It makes you blind about the other side (unintentionally).
  11. What’s meant for you will always find its way back.
  12. Depression and anxiety is serious. It’s different from being sad and worried.
  13. You own your timeline. You can be ahead or behind of others. There’s nothing wrong with that.
  14. It goes without saying, experience is and always will be the best teacher.
  15. Don’t invalidate people’s feelings. What may be true to you is not necessarily the same as how a person feels. Respect someone’s emotion.
  16. Be the bigger person. It’s always a pleasant choice.
  17. Anger and hate stems from envy. Don’t be envious.
  18. You define the word success. What success looks for you may not be the same with how others define it – and that’s OK.
  19. Nothing happens in comfort zone. If you feel like you are where you need to be, that’s good. If the routine is wearing you out, think about packing.
  20. It’s difficult to be honest.
  21. Build your finances and buy an insurance.
  22. It pays to be optimistic. Think about power of attraction.
  23. Everything takes effort. Want something? Then do something about it.
  24. Take a break. Detoxify. If something feels too much, step back and compose yourself.
  25. Physical activity and good food affects your mood. I dont want to be too scientific about it but ask your friend Google.
  26. Self love is the most important ingredient in loving your partner, friends, parents and siblings. How can you give if your basket is empty?
  27. Have a personal, intimate relationship with God. It’s important.
  28. Listen. You’ll be surprised how much more you don’t know.
  29. Travel. It opens the doors of imagination.
  30. Dream. Don’t let the spark die.

It’s my birthday today. This is my way of expressing gratitude especially to those who think about me. I’ve been blessed 😇

PS Pardon my grammar. I felt drained at work today. Posted UK time. Technically, it’s still my birthday 😅

Took this photo in Russian museum on my birthday trip to St. Petersburg